Saturday, 28 May 2011

The Power of Google

As I'm sure is the case for many of you, I'm often planning new events and activities. Now, I do have a degree, of course, and yet I find that most of the time I'm not planning events about rocks, fossils, dinosaurs or prehistoric Britain (my degree was in Geology and Archaeology). I've got a fairly good working knowledge of a wide range of historical and scientific topics, but still whenever I'm event-planning I like to have a look around on the Internet for some more specific information.

The point of this post is really just to share a couple of fascinating articles I found this week whilst doing some googling. Maybe they'll inspire you into some event or activity planning of your own.

BBC News - CIA Secrets - from the US and Canada branches of the BBC I found this fascinating article about declassified CIA secrets from the first world war. There's some fabulous ideas for making invisible ink that I'm pretty sure you could do in practice with museum visitors for a start, not to mention some great stories about etching messages into toenails that kids will love and parents will squirm awkwardly at.

Wikipedia - Fife - whilst searching for information about the 'fife and drum' that is referenced so often in the Sharpe-esque music of John Tams and his contemporaries, I learnt an awful lot about their use in military units. Did you know you can hear a fife and drum being played from 3 miles away, even over the sound of artillery fire? Neither did I, but we both do now.

Visit Worcester - Vesta Tilley - star of the Victorian and Edwardian music hall, Vesta Tilley was a popular entertainer who was a male impersonator. Apparently she was so famous and well-loved that when she retired she received a series of books signed by over 2 million of her adoring fans, including famous names such as Charlie Chaplin, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Harry Houdini!

So have any of you found anything interesting recently that you'd like to share? I'm always on the look out for interesting information and quirky facts and ideas. You never know what will inspire you next.

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